

Bayash Project

Bayash tenement (15.6 km2) consists of 7 geographical minute exploration blocks located on the territory of Ulan administrative district of Eastern Kazakhstan Region and is in 25km to the south of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk the capital of the region and big industrial, mining and metallurgical center. The nearest village Bayash Utepov is in 1 km to the southeast from the site. The Bayash represents a vast terrain located on the northern slopes of the Kalba mountains. The absolute elevations reach 400-600 m with relative altitudes of 100-200 m. The climate in the area is sharply continental with long (almost 5 months) and cold (up to -400C) winter and hot summer (up to +400C). Hydrographic network in the area represented by the Sibinka River, the left-bank tributary of the Irtysh River.

Bayash (15.6 km2) coordinates 49o 40’ North and 82o 32’ East.

The Tochka (“Bayash”) LCT pegmatites, were discovered in 1956 by V. Kascheyev during the geological mapping of a scale 1:10,000 and prospects for tantalum and tin).  The name “Tochka” for pegmatites was given after the name of a small village nearby. Later in 1992, the Kazakhstan parliament changed the name of Tochka village to Bayash Utepov (“Bayash”).

The Bayash LCT pegmatites are mainly associated with the exocontact of granites with schists and strikes in the NW direction with maximum dimensions of 8km (SE-NW) by 1200m (E-W) with a minimum thickness of 500m. Several hundred pegmatite veins varying between 0.2 and 10 m in thickness outcropped on the surface.

During the geological prospects and exploration (1957-1990) rushed for tantalum and tin Soviet geologists concluded that Bayash LCT pegmatites and altered host rocks zone represent a Supra-ore system that contains significant Li resources and other associated rare elements such as Ta, Nb, Sn, Be, Rb and Cs with low erosion.

In September 2022 Dalares sampled three historical channels at Bayash tenement: k-43, k-49 and k-160.  The assay results of the channel samples provided by Anzaplan in March 2023 confirm the fact of substantial lithium mineralization presence. The key summary:

ü 0.68% of Li2O over 1m interval in K-160;

ü 0,99% of Li2O over 1m interval in K-49.

Having reviewed the historical data and assay results from 2022 channel sampling, Dalares has defined the priority zone for further exploration –The Barrier Zone (“albite-spodumene vein Bariernaya – as derived from the historical geological reports). The Barrier Zone is associated with the massive albite-spodumene vein (“Barriernaya” vein) laying within porphyry biotite granites. In contrary to all other pegmatite veins, the Bariernaya Vein, occurrence-wise, has NE strike of 160m length at the surface with NE dipping at 75o and thickness of 4.5m (V.Kascheyev, 1957; P. Sinishin, A. Butko, 1959).

Photo: Barrier spodumene vein (4.5m) in granite. Bayash. Barrier Zone (“Barriernaya vein”)
Photo: Barrier Zone. Bayash. Historical trench
Photo: Spodumene pegmatite sample. Bayash. Barrier Zone
10A Daryn Microdistrict , Almaty, Kazakhstan
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