

Dalares is advancing a high-grade lithium (spodumene) exploration project in Eastern Kazakhstan. Dalares holds exploration licenses for two concessions (Kene and Bayash) in Eastern Kazakhstan, hard-rock lithium deposits represented by an outcropping spodumene mineralization hosted in the rare-element LCT pegmatites.

The Project is located 25 km to the southeast of Ust-Kamenogorsk, a capital and industrial center of Eastern Kazakhstan Oblast. Both tenements are territorially assigned to the Ulan administrative district of Eastern Kazakhstan Oblast. The Project is easily accessible with paved roads and railroads. The distance between Kene and Bayash is 12 km. Project is located approximately 600 km from Chinese border. Existing infrastructure close to the project area includes paved roads, a railway, water and power sources.

The Project is located in the historic and highly mineralized Kalba-Narym rare-element metal province near the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk in Eastern Kazakhstan and has an extremely strong potential for sizeable lithium resource discovery. Several mining companies hold licenses for substantial mineral tenements in the area, and many of these tenements have yet to become significant new rare-element discoveries. The Project area underwent extensive exploration during the Soviet era, with a focus on tantalum resources. Historical exploration results recorded up to 2.8% Li2O at the surface and up to 3.95% Li2O between 1973 and 1991.

The tenement hosts strong lithium mineralization associated with outcropped spodumene-bearing pegmatites. Dalares has carried out extensive exploration work since securing exploration licenses in 2019, including the geochemical soil sampling assayed by SGS (Canada) and drilling two exploration holes (2022-2024) with the drill core assayed by Anzaplan Laboratory (Germany) and ALS (Ireland). The results of the exploration activities have confirmed a robust prospectivity of the Project. This encouraged Dalares to further explore the Project by continuing an expanded drilling and geochemical program.

10A Daryn Microdistrict , Almaty, Kazakhstan
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